Hanging Out the Wash

I remember helping mom do the wash, at least we thought we were helping. We had an old wringer washer. Mom would have to fill the tub with water and let it wash then she would drain the water, fill it again, let it agitate for a while to rinse the clothes. After rinsing the clothes she would then take the clothes that were dripping wet and run them through the ringer. When I was lucky it would be my job to crank the wringer. We had to be careful feeding the cloths into the wringer so that our finger would not get caught and drawn into the wringer. We then would take the clothes that were flattened from going through the wringer, put them in a basket, and take them outside to hang on the clothes line. I remember the sheets flapping in the breeze. All of our clothes would be stiff from drying in the sun. I even remember running out to gather the wash because it was beginning to rain. One of the most exciting days of our time in the Pink House was the day we got a brand new dryer. We were all amazed at how fast it worked and how easy it had become to do the wash.