Canning Venison

Mom used to do all that she could to be frugal. We would can and save everything. One thing that I remember is that when dad would come home from deer hunting, mom would take the fresh venison, season it then put it in pint size jars and preserve it. Mom processed he meet by cutting the meet into chunks and putting the jars in a pressure cooker and cooking it. We thought that having deer meet sandwiches was a real treat. Mom would take the meat from the jars and grind it with the hand crank meat grinder. I would help her. We would clamp the grinder to the kitchen table then it was my job to crank the handle. We would then mix the ground up meat with a little salad dressing, I did not discover mayonnaise until I was an adult, in our house we always only used salad dressing. We thought that it was a special treat when we would add pickles to the grinder as well. Those sandwiches were wonderful with a handful of potato chips and a glass of cool aid.