All That Effort For Nothing

I was always coming up with one scheme or another. I decided that I needed some money. So I took a big chunk of steel that dad had. It was actually a piece of railroad rail that was about ten inches long that dad used as an anvil. A friend of mine and I put it in my wagon and pulled it to a Swenson’s metal salvage company on the outskirts of town. We had to have pulled that wagon a mile. There were not any sidewalks so we pulled the wagon on the side of the road past the county fairgrounds. When we got there they weighed it and told us that it was not worth anything. We were totally disappointed. But, come to find out the man who was helping us kept snickering about these two eight year old kids who came dragging this hunk of steel in a wagon and wanted to sell it. To make things worse he knew dad. He knew that this was something that dad would not want me to sell so he wouldn’t give us anything for it. We had to drag it all the way back home. That night dad asked what I had been up to that day. He laughed and laughed and figured that taking it all the way there then having to bring it all the way back again was punishment enough.